Monday, September 27, 2010

Feeling like a beginner....

I started taking some online art classes through my local community college. Although I think of myself as a jewelry artist, I don't think of myself as an "artist" artist. Being in a beginning digital art class with people who can paint rings around me is a humbling experience. (We won't even discuss Beginning Drawing.) However well I end up doing in these classes, I've already learned one big lesson--I'm remembering how it feels to not know how to do something, how frustrating it is when the teacher seems to assume I already know some vital step, how different my final product is from the image in my mind, how much better everyone else's work seems than mine, and how afraid I am that I'll never be as good as the other kids. I may not ever be able to sketch like Degas, but I hope I'll at least keep all these emotions in mind the next time I teach.


Ann Davis said...

I think you are fantastic!!!

Pat Evans said...

Aw, thanks, Ann! It's mutual!

Spadazzle said...

yes, I know how that feels, I teach classes also. The nice thing about being in this situation is it allows you to experience possibly how your students might feel, kind of putting you in their shoes. I have believe I have become a better teacher after having taken the online art classes:)

Pat Evans said...

Thanks for commenting, Spadazzle. It's nice to hear from another teacher who knows how it feels.